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Introducing the BlocGuardians Bug Bounty Program
Introducing the BlocGuardians Bug Bounty Program
Nov 10 , 2023 · 2 min read


Introducing the BlocGuardians Bug Bounty Program

In an era where digital security is more crucial than ever, InfStones proudly unveils "BlocGuardians," our dedicated bug bounty program. As we navigate the complexities of the Web3 landscape, your role in cybersecurity becomes increasingly vital. This initiative is not just an announcement—it's a personal invitation to you, the security researchers, ethical hackers, and cybersecurity enthusiasts around the globe. Join us in our united effort to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities within our infrastructure, thereby fortifying the security of our platform and protecting user data and assets.

How to Participate in BlocGuardians

STEP 1: Identify Potential Issue(s)

Potential issue(s) found? As you explore and analyze for vulnerabilities, we emphasize the importance of respecting user privacy, system integrity, and all applicable laws. It is important to focus your security testing within the specified scope of Other domains will not be considered for this Program.

STEP 2: Prepare Report

If you discover a potential security flaw, prepare a detailed report. Include a clear vulnerability description, its potential impact, and steps to reproduce the issue. We value and highly recommend including supporting evidence like screenshots and/or videos.

STEP 3: Submit Your Findings

  • Go to our Support page.
  • Fill in your details such as:
    • Your Name, Contact Email, Company,
    • For the 'Which type of support do you need?' question, please select the 'Issue Report' option from the dropdown.
    • Lastly, provide all the necessary details in the 'Tell us more about how we can help' along with any relevant screenshots and files in the 'Attachments' section.
  • Click Submit.

Introducing the BlocGuardians Bug Bounty Program

STEP 4: Review Process

Our security team will review each submission within 48 hours. We will keep you informed and notify you once the issue is resolved. If the report is unclear or we are unable to reproduce the issue, we may reach out for further clarification.

Keep in mind that this is a paid bug bounty program. Based on the severity and impact of the reported vulnerabilities, participants will be compensated according to our tiered reward system.

Our Responsible Disclosure Policy

We expect all participants in the BlocGuardians program to strictly adhere to our coordinated disclosure practices. This means avoiding any actions that could lead to privacy violations, data destruction, or service disruptions. Importantly, public disclosure of any vulnerabilities is not permitted unless explicitly authorized by us. This policy applies regardless of whether the issue has been resolved. Our approach ensures that all disclosures are managed in a way that upholds the security and privacy of our users, in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

Join Us in Strengthening Our Security

Your expertise and contributions are vital in safeguarding our platform. We look forward to your participation in the BlocGuardians bug bounty program and appreciate your support and commitment to a secure blockchain ecosystem.

Let’s Talk! For registration, participation details, or any queries, please contact us via Thank you for your support and dedication to a secure digital future.

About InfStones

InfStones is an advanced, enterprise-grade Platform as a Service (PaaS) blockchain infrastructure provider trusted by the top blockchain companies in the world. InfStones’ AI-based infrastructure provides developers worldwide with a rugged, powerful node management platform alongside an easy-to-use API. With over 20,000 nodes supported on over 80 blockchains, InfStones gives developers all the control they need - reliability, speed, efficiency, security, and scalability - for cross-chain DeFi, NFT, GameFi, and decentralized application development.

InfStones is trusted by the biggest blockchain companies in the world including Binance, CoinList, BitGo, OKX, Chainlink, Polygon, Harmony, and KuCoin, among a hundred other customers. InfStones is dedicated to developing the next evolution of a better world through limitless Web3 innovation.