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Project Research Report: DIN, A Modular AI-Native Data Pre-Processing Layer
Project Research Report: DIN, A Modular AI-Native Data Pre-Processing Layer
Aug 21 , 2024 · 5 min read

DIN Project Research Report: An In-Depth Exploration of the AI Data Economy

The information contained in this research article is derived exclusively from publicly available sources related to the project. This article is intended solely for informational purposes and is a compilation and analysis of publicly disclosed information. This article does not constitute financial or investment advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to conduct their own research and due diligence before making any decisions related to this project.


Project NameDIN (Previously Web3Go)
Token NameDIN
Total Supply100,000,000
Node NameDIN Chipper Node
Node FunctionChipper Nodes are the backbone of the DIN ecosystem, playing a crucial role in managing the continuous data flow essential for AI development.
Node Reward- 25% of the total DIN supply will reward to the active running nodes
- 1.29% of the total DIN supply will airdrop to node holders
- Earn extra $DIN by providing computing power to the network. (Rewards paid in $BNB and $DIN before and post-TGE)
Reward Lock-up PeriodUsers need to wait 120 days to claim full rewards.

a) DIN is a Modular AI-Native Data Pre-Processing Layer. Created from the foundation of the Data Intelligence Network, DIN is designed to empower everyone to cook data for AI and get paid.

b) DIN is the native token in DIN and is used for exchanging for the processed data in DIN ecosystem.

c) DIN has raised $8M seed funding from Binance Labs, Hashkey Capital, NGC, Shima Capital, IVC, LIF, Big Brain Holdings, Archerman Capital, Manta, Maxx Capital, Moonbeam, and Ankr.

d) The Chipper Node serves as the central hub for data processing in the DIN ecosystem. The Chipper nodes are rewarded with 25% of the total DIN supply for running the node, along with an additional 1.3% of the total supply distributed through airdrops.

e) 50% of the Chipper Node reward will be distributed within 1 year. There is a maximum 120-day lock-up period for claiming rewards.

f) There are 4 major node sale rounds:

  • Pre-sale round (Tier 1), starting on 08-13-2024
  • White-list round (Tier 2), starting on 08-20-2024
  • Public round 1(Tier 3~5), starting on 08-22-2024
  • Public round 2 (Tier 6~10), starting on 08-29-2024

g) DIN nodes are categorized into 10 tiers, with prices ranging from $60 to $2,199. Depending on the tier, each node is eligible to receive rewards ranging from 116 DIN to 1,085 DIN.

1 Business Model

1.1 Snapshot

DIN is a Modular AI-Native Data Pre-Processing Layer. Created from the foundation of the Data Intelligence Network, DIN is designed to empower everyone to cook data for AI and get paid.

Use CasesAI-native data pre-processing
Target Client BaseAI-Agents, LLMs, AI application developers, etc.
InvestorsBinance Labs, Hashkey Capital, NGC, Shima Capital, IVC, LIF, Big Brain Holdings, Archerman Capital, Manta, Maxx Capital, Moonbeam, and Ankr.
Funding Raised$8 million

1.2 Value Proposition

Data plays a very important role in the whole AI workflow and is fundamental to AI blockchain—all dAI apps rely on high-quality data. The DIN protocol guarantees the network can obtain high-quality data by adopting an incentivized mechanism.

The value proposition of DIN is to build a data intelligence network founded on the synergy among people, data, and AI. Using blockchain as the record and settlement layer, DIN aims to build a primary data layer to collect, validate, vectorize, and incentivize both on-chain and off-chain data and reward network participants for participating in the data activity.

1.3 User Base (as of 08-19-2024)

Twitter followers: 269.8K

Discord members: 231K

Telegram members: 96.6K

2 Technical Architecture

In the DIN protocol, three participants in the network are continuously involved in the activity of data:

a) Data Collectors: Targeted Both On-Chain and Off-Chain

b) Data Validators: Ensuring Model Accuracy with Blockchain

c) Data Vectorizers: Streamlining AI Data Preparation

The DIN protocol streamlines data processing through a series of concise steps, ensuring data integrity and privacy:

  • Data Collection: Collectors gather on-chain and off-chain data from diverse sources.
  • Validation Routing: Data is forwarded to selected validators based on their locally deployed models.
  • Verification: Validators employ computational resources to predict and ascertain data accuracy.
  • Privacy Processing (Dataset): Validated data undergoes privacy enhancement via the ZK processor.
  • Model Update: The relevant model is refined with the latest data and updated across validators.
  • Vector Conversion: Computation nodes transform the validated data into vectors.
  • Privacy Processing (Vector): Vectors are processed through the ZK processor for privacy.
  • Data Finalization: The finalized dataset and vectors are stored on IPFS, making them accessible to third parties.

The data process will undergo three phases: collection, validation, and computation. An incentivized mechanism was applied for all participants to reward the network's contribution.

3 Tokenomics

3.1 Token Usage

The DIN network supplies processed data to data consumers (AI companies for model training, AI agents, etc.) in exchange for DIN tokens.

3.2 Token Distribution and Vesting

Total $DIN supply is 100,000,000 tokens.

25% of the total supply is allocated to Chipper Nodes. An additional 1.3% of total supply will be allocated to Chipper Nodes via airdrop with 13% unlocked at TGE and 6-month linear vesting afterwards.

4 Chipper Node

4.1 What is a Chipper Node?

The Chipper Node is an essential part of the DIN ecosystem. By providing the necessary computational power in the DIN ecosystem, Chipper Nodes enable the efficient distribution of profits generated from data pre-processing. These rewards are converted and distributed back to network participants, fostering a sustainable and incentivized environment for continuous engagement and contribution.

Users need to first purchase Chipper nodes from the node sale rounds, then keep nodes running to receive rewards.

The DIN Node sale will have three stages: Pre-sale Round, Whitelist Round, and Public Round. Pre-sale Round and Tier 1 nodes are reserved for DIN early users and OGs.

  • Pre-sale round (Tier 1), starting on 08-13-2024
  • White-list round (Tier 2), starting on 08-20-2024
  • Public round 1(Tier 3~5), starting on 08-22-2024
  • Public round 2 (Tier 6~10), starting on 08-29-2024

4.2 Node Sale Dynamics

Chipper Nodes will be purchased with USDT on the BNB and ETH chains.


4.3 Node Reward

4.3.1 Reward Emission

By providing the necessary computational power in the DIN ecosystem, Chipper Nodes enable the efficient distribution of profits generated from data pre-processing. These rewards are converted and distributed back to network participants, fostering a sustainable and incentivized environment for continuous engagement and contribution.

Users can purchase DIN nodes from Tier 2 to Tier 10 during the whitelist node sale round and public node sale round. The projected reward emissions schedule is shown below:

Nodes can receive half of the rewards for the entire lifecycle in the first year.


4.3.2 Claiming Reward

There is a lock-up period for rewards. It can be claimed based on the schedule below:

DaysReward Percentage


5 Sources


About InfStones

InfStones is an advanced, enterprise-grade Platform as a Service (PaaS) blockchain infrastructure provider trusted by the top blockchain companies in the world. InfStones’ AI-based infrastructure provides developers worldwide with a rugged, powerful node management platform alongside an easy-to-use API. With over 20,000 nodes supported on over 80 blockchains, InfStones gives developers all the control they need - reliability, speed, efficiency, security, and scalability - for cross-chain DeFi, NFT, GameFi, and decentralized application development.

InfStones is trusted by the biggest blockchain companies in the world including Binance, CoinList, BitGo, OKX, Chainlink, Polygon, Harmony, and KuCoin, among a hundred other customers. InfStones is dedicated to developing the next evolution of a better world through limitless Web3 innovation.